Engineering Services
Many recyclers need many types of engineering services from time to time. Our team of mechanical engineers, technicians and project managers can provide all such services for your business.

Capacity Expansion
As businesses grow they find that their chosen machinery has turned into a bottleneck. Replacing the machinery is an expensive proposition and not all machines are upgradable. Also, larger machines may need larger premises which may not be possible.
We help in such scenarios with solutions to augment the processing capacity with minimal investment as well as minimal intervention with the existing machinery, thereby keeping the cost of expansion to a minimum.
Apart from that, we can also expand capacities through other strategic methods of expansion including horizontal scaling, selective outsourcing etc

As the business grows, the available real estate becomes a challenge. Also, in case of leased lands, the term may not be renewable. In such situations moving the production from one facility to another is a major challenge. The OEM, especially in case of imported machinery may charge an exorbitant amount. You need trained experts for such purposes who can safely dismantle the installed machinery, supervise the loading, transfer and unloading, and finally assemble the machine back. The trick in this entire process is to maintain the alignment of various machine parts and ensure and the machine works exactly like before.
We provide this service through our own technical team.

Every machine needs maintenance on an ongoing basis for best performance.
But, often, in the rush of daily routine tasks, maintenance takes a back seat. Also, in case your trained technician leaves the company, the new person may not be able to carry out the maintenance effectively.
We take ownership of maintaining your machines, both within warranty and out of warranty. Our team or mechanical engineers, technicians and mechanics can provide scheduled preventive maintenance services as required for your machinery.
Both annual contract and on demand modes exist for this service.