Startup Stage Consulting
This bouquet of services is extremely useful for entrepreneurs at the conceptualization or ideation stage, before committing investments. This service is valued by both corporations looking at diversification into the waste management sector as well as first-generation entrepreneurs. The services include:

Project Report
A detailed project report will give you an understanding of the entire ecosystem of the domain.
It includes a market overview, detailed financial viability and risk analysis, technological and process overview, and environmental impact analysis.
This DPR is useful for both raising finance and licensing process.

Market Survey
A structured market survey will help you to define the optimal area of operation, identify potential sources of scrap, estimate the volume, get general valuation guidelines, and know your competitors and their strengths, weaknesses, etc.
A market survey is useful for laying a foundation for business strategy

Technology Consulting
In this service offering, we define the best-suited process and technology for you and help to identify and select the best suited machines. We also guide in structuring the shopfloor activity flow, checkpoints and measurements.
This service helps you to optimize your CAPEX and OPEX.
Early Stage Consulting
Once the company has been registered and the business model is finalized, we classify this as a startup stage. At this stage a lot of ground work needs to be done before the business goes live. These services include:

Marketing & Branding
We help you with complete marketing consulting, communication design, content development, setting up the website, Facebook and LinkedIn pages, Advertising strategy, channel selections, budgeting and campaign success analysis.
This service ensures the best ROI on your marketing efforts.

Business Modeling
The unlimited possibilities in waste management business are often overwhelming. Through this service, we help you structure the most optimal business model and an operational framework that builds on your comparative advantage.
The business modelling service is useful for revenue optimization.

Collection Strategy
Collection is the most critical aspect of any waste management business. We help to design of a complete strategy for setting up the best techno-commercially viable collection system. We also provide you an executable and measurable plan of action.
This helps you create a healthy supply chain for your business.
Growth Stage Consulting
After the company goes live a variety of services come handy for laying a strong foundation and achieving rapid growth. We hand hold our customers and work closely with them in the 1st few rough years of business through the following set of services:

We help you to optimize your complete workflow within the shopfloor right from unloading of material to loading of finished goods. We also develop detailed SOPs with checkpoints, milestones and metrics for performance monitoring and rating.
This service helps to enhance your productivity and increase revenues.

In this service we identify your existing processes and map the as-is and to-be stages. We select the processes worthy of automation, the most suitable automation technology, and identify a capable vendor of executing and managing the whole change.
This service helps you to save your operating expenses significantly.

We help you to identify your company specific comparative advantage. We carefully evaluate the horizontal and vertical expansion options best suited for you and recommend the same based on your existing stage and market position
This helps you to execute the best suited expansion strategy.