Our Purpose
We are fighting climate change by ushering in an era of clean and green businesses. Waste recycling is our chosen domain.
Enabling recycling and empowering recyclers is our single purpose.
We believe that there is nothing like “Waste”. It is only a resource in another form. Our mission is to enable recyclers to realize maximum value from these wasted resources with minimal efforts, within affordable cost and with zero pollution.
We work with informal recyclers and upcoming startups who wish to get into the formal recycling business. We also work with existing formal recyclers to augment their capacity and enhance their processes.

Our Journey

In December 2009, the founders came together with a common passion for the environmental cause.
After a 2 year study, they concluded that one of the biggest contributors to the environmental problems was the mismanagement of waste.
Apart from lack of awareness and a general environmental insensitivity prevalent then, one of the major causes of this mismanagement was the unavailability of affordable and reliable machinery for handling, sorting and recycling waste.
ResposeIndia was thus founded with the objective of helping recyclers by providing them with good quality affordable machinery.
Since our inception in 2011, when we started our process and technology research on e-waste recycling in a garage, we have now come a long way.
Like every company, we have seen the ups and downs and not just survived the odds in the decade-plus journey, but have also thrived and grown.
From research to proof-of-concept pilots to proven commercialized technology for e-waste and batteries, we have now established ourselves as one of the leaders and pioneers in the waste management industry.
The Road Ahead
Our team intends to continue our research to further improve the efficiency, bring down costs, expand the spectrum of waste processing etc.
We are in the process of launching solutions in the areas of Batteries, Plastics, Kitchen Waste, Municipal Solid Waste and Automobiles. Solutions for renewable energy based on Biogas and Refuse Derived Fuel are next on the radar.
Overall, we are poised to come up with multiple solutions in the foreseeable future in the areas of waste management and usher in a new era of mainstreaming the traditionally informal 'dirty' sector.

Mission #1
Establish 100 recycling facilities across India

Mission #2
Enable recycling of 1 Million tons of waste annually

Mission #3
Enable abatement of 10 million tons of CO2e emissions annually.